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• The pericardium is found on the left
• Disproportions in diaphragm structure
• Lung structure – 3 lobes on the right and 2 on the left, asymmetrically located
• Lymphatic drainage – approx. 70% on the right
• Functional differences in the size of feet and palms
• Disproportions in the nervous system (the right vagus nerve is longer) and functional differences between the brain hemispheres

Due to asymmetry of the human body, we show certain dominant movement patterns which affect our motor function.




The liver (weight of 1300-1700 g) is located on the right side of the body, while the spleen (c.180 g) and most of the stomach (total volume 1000 - 3000 mL) are on the left. An example is that no sport includes moving clockwise around a track. Light athletics, speedway, speed skating, short track or track cycling all require only counterclockwise motion.



It’s also noticeable that it’s easier to make a split with the right foot forward rather than vice versa.



Looking at high jump, it’s quite clear that the athletes usually take off with their left leg rather than the right one.



Basketball players usually do the same.



Sprinters usually kneel on the right knee in their starting blocks in order to take off with the left foot.



On the other hand, most ski jumpers land „kneeling on left”.



While swimming, it’s easier to take a breath on your right side and it’s more convenient for skiers to turn left



Is it all just random? Definitely not. It’s all related to the asymmetry of the human body. Failure to consider the dominant movement patterns during training will prevent athletes from achieving an alternate function. Without the alternate function, they’ll never be able to utilize the key component in sports, which is crucial for their performance i.e. the laws of PHYSICS.
Without the alternate function, an athlete loses control over the reaction of a surface, interrupts the conservation of energy and restricts the free flow of fluids and gases in their body.



Every activity is related to the force of gravity. No springs work upwards. They may be only pressed down and spring back. Gravity makes us “land” on the ground and helps us use that force to bounce back, talk or even sing (kinetic energy is transformed into energy of position, or vice versa). Many people rely on gravity when standing, walking or talking as they do not let the body relax completely and “fall to the floor” (Caine, 2014).

The dominant movement patterns contribute significantly to sports injuries. Here are some examples: inflammation usually affects the right plantar aponeurosis rather than the left one. Problems with the right hip or right groin are more prevalent than those on the left side of the body. Excessive tension usually affects the right adductor magnus rather than the left one. Left leg abduction range is significantly longer than the right. If you take a look at the soles of your shoes, the heel of the right shoe will be worn more on the outside than the left heel. The corn on the outside of your fifth toe will be more noticeable on the right foot than on the left one.  Based on my own observations in my everyday practice, I could list a large number of such examples.

If your observations are contrary to the above examples, your condition is less favorable and requires a prompt reaction.