Our world is governed by gravity, which holds us to the ground. Feet are the only parts of the body which touch the ground when we walk. Therefore, they’re crucial for our ability to properly utilize the reaction of the ground and move around. If you notice any of the signs listed below (these are only selected examples, your own observations may vary), it’s a clear indication that your gait pattern is incorrect and may lead to pain today or in the future.
Female patient. Pain in the left ischial tuberosity and in the outer left heel.
Male patient. Pain in the right heel.
Female patient. Pain in the outer right thigh.
Male patient. Pain in the right groin.
Female patient. Chronic shoulder and neck pain, constant muscle tension in the entire body.
Red warning lamps! This is what should make you concerned.
It’s time to arrange a visit soon.
These changes are more typical than the red lamps. However, they also mean it’s time to see a specialist.
If you need innersoles, it’s important to have them profiled separately for each foot. Innersoles need to be properly shaped in order to ensure appropriate functional positions, in accordance with the PRI concept. They should not only reposition the feet but also the ankle joints, the knees and hips. The innersoles help preserve appropriate mechanics of gait.
The innersoles will be fitted following a pedobarographic assessment that helps to determibe how weight is distributed between the right and left foot, both in static and dynamic situations. The examination also includes a podoscopy assessment and a podology scan (using a podoscanner) to precisely identify the spots where callouses are forming.
- All examination data will be saved and compared during and after the rehabilitation program.
- The examination is non-invasive and painless.
For further information, please contact Magdalena Merta >>>